به یادتم هنوزم اگرچه زود رفتی
I still think about you, although you left early
اگرچه بی تفاوت به هر چه بود رفتی
Although indifferent to everything, you went
به یادتم هنوزم اگرچه پر کشیدی
I still think about you, although you have flown away
اگرچه تلخ اما به آرزوت رسیدی
However bitterly, however
به آرزوت رسیدی
You achieved your desires
منو همین یه عکست به هم علاقه داریم
Me and just this picture of you, loving each other
که سالیان ساله به درد هم دچاریم
That we suffer for each other for many years
خودت که دیگه نیستی
You are no longer here anyway
نبایدم بدونی
You shouldn’t know either
عذاب غیر از این نیست
There is no punishment other than this
که چشم به راه بمونی
That you should remain with doubts
روزنه امید از کنار من سفر کرد
One day, hope left me
چه تلخه اینکه باید یه عمر بی تو سر کرد
How bitter it is that I have to spend an entire lifetime without you
همیشه خاک سرده
The tomb is always cold
همیشه سرد بوده
It has always been cold
کنار هر دوایی همیشه درد بوده
Besides every healing there has always been pain
همیشه درد بوده
There has always been pain
منو همین یه عکست به هم علاقه داریم
Me and just this picture of you, loving each other
که سالیان ساله به درد هم دچاریم
That we suffer for each other for many years
خودت که دیگه نیستی
You are no longer here anyway
نبایدم بدونی
You shouldn‘t know either
عذاب غیر از این نیست
There is no punishment other than this
که چشم به راه بمونی
That you should remain with doubts
نظرات کاربران