I’m Tired
خستم از این زندگی که منو ول کرده
I’m tired of this life that has forsaken me
آرزوهای من دیوونه رو باز زده باطل کرده
My crazy desires were refused, cancelled
خستم بی تو از آدمای شهر
Without you, I’m tired of the people in this city
کاش تو بودی دستات منو آرومم میکرد
I wish you were here, your hands would have calmed me
بسه جون هردومون خسته شدم از این شبا
Stop both our lives, I’ve become tired of these nights
کم نشو از زندگیم داغون شدم برگرد بیا
Don’t recede from my life, I’ve been devastated, come back
مگه میشه اون روزا رو تو الان یادت بره
How can you now forget about those days?
مگه آدم عشقشو میتونه عذابش بده
How could someone torment their love?
آدم شد کسی که تو پا گذاشتی رو گلوش
He was a person, the one whose throat you stepped on
آخر مرد پس زدی عشقشو نموندی پهلوش
He died in the end, you rejected his love and didn’t stay by his side
فرق داشت تموم روزایی که با تو گذشت
They were different, all the days spent with you
حرف داشت این دلی که ندیدی آروم شکست
It had something to say, this heart you didn’t see slowly broke
بسه جون هردومون خسته شدم از این شبا
Stop both our lives, I’ve become tired of these nights
کم نشو از زندگیم داغون شدم برگرد بیا
Don‘t recede from my life, I’ve been devastated, come back
مگه میشه اون روزا رو تو الان یادت بره
How can you now forget about those days?
مگه آدم عشقشو میتونه عذابش بده
How could someone torment their love?
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