مجله علمی تفریحی بیبیس

ترجمه فارسی و انگلیسی نامه 64 نهج البلاغه (علل اختلاف بین بنی امیه و بنی‌هاشم) با فایل صوتی

نامه ای در جواب معاویه

پس از یاد خدا و درود! چنان كه یادآور شدی، ما و شما هم دوست بودیم و هم خویشاوند، امّا دیروز میان ما و شما بدان جهت جدایی افتاد كه ما ایمان آوردیم و شما كافر شدید، و امروز ما در اسلام استوار ماندیم، و شما آزمایش شدید. اسلام آورندگان شما با ناخشنودی، آن هم زمانی به اسلام روی آوردند كه بزرگان عرب تسلیم رسول خدا (ص) شدند، و در گروه او قرار گرفتند. گفتى كه طلحه و زبير را من كشته ام و عايشه را آواره و رسوا ساخته ام و ميان بصره و كوفه فرود آمده ام، اين كارى است كه تو از آن بركنار بودى. پس تو را چه زيان رسيد كه بايد از تو پوزش خواست. گفتى كه با مهاجران و انصار به ديدار من خواهى آمد،هجرت از روزی كه برادرت «یزید » در فتح مكّه اسیر شد پایان یافت، پس اگر در ملاقات با من شتاب داری، دست نگهدار، زیرا اگر من به دیدار تو بیایم سزاوارتر است، كه خدا مرا به سوی تو فرستاده تا از تو انتقام گیرم، و اگر تو با من دیدار كنی چنان است كه شاعر اَسَدی گفت: «تندباد تابستانی سخت می‌وزد و آنها را با سنگ ریزه‌ها، و در میان غبار و تخته سنگ ها درهم می‌كوبند . » و در نزد من همان شمشیری است كه در جنگ بدر بر پیكر جدّ و دایی و برادرت زدم. به خدا سوگند! می دانم تو مردی ب یخرد و كوردل هستی! بهتر است درباره تو گفته شود از نردبانی بالا رفته ای كه تو را به پرتگاه خطرناكی كشانده، و نه تنها سودی برای تو نداشته، كه زیانبار است؛ زیرا تو غیر گمشده خود را می‌جویی، و غیر گلّه خود را می چرانی. مَنصَبی را می‌خواهی كه سزاوار آن نبوده، و در شأن تو نیست. چقدر گفتار تو با كردارت فاصله دارد! چقدر به عموها و دای یهای كافرت شباهت داری! شقاوت و آرزوی باطل، آنها را به انكار نبوّت محمّد (ص)  وا داشت، و چنان كه می دانی در گورهای خود غلتیدند، نه برابر مرگ توانستند دفاع كنند، و نه آن گونه كه سزاوار بود از حریمی حمایت، و نه در برابر زخم شمشیرها خود را حفظ كردند، كه شمشیرها در میدان جنگ فراوان، و سُستی در برابر آن شایسته نیست. تو درباره كشندگان عثمان فراوان حرف زدی، ابتدا چون دیگر مسلمانان با من بیعت كن، سپس درباره آنان از من داوری بطلب، كه شما و مسلمانان را به پذیرفتن دستورات قرآن وا دارم. امّا آنچه را كه تو می‌خواهی، چنان است كه به هنگام گرفتن كودك از شیر، او را بفریبند. سلام بر آنان كه سزاوار سلامند.

[ A reply to Mu’awiya’s letter. ]

It is correct as you say that in pre-Islamic days we were united and at peace with each other. But have you realized that dissensions and disunity between us started with the dawn of Islam. The reason was that we accepted and preached Islam and you remained heathen. The condition now is that we are faithful and staunch followers of Islam and you have revolted against it. Even your original acceptance was not sincere, it was simple hypocrisy. When you saw that all the big people of Arabia had embraced Islam and had gathered under the banner of the Holy Prophet (s) you also walked in (after the Fall of Makkah.) In your letter you have falsely accused me of killing Talha and Zubayr, driving Ummul Mu’minin Aisha from her home at Madina and choosing Kufa and Basra as my residence. Even if all that you say against me is correct you have nothing to do with them, you are not harmed by these incidents and I have not to apologize to you for any of them. You have threatened that you are coming out to fight against me with a large horde of Muhajirs and Ansar. Do tell me who these Muhajirs are? The door of Hegira (Migration of Muslims to save their lives from the hands of unbelievers of Quraysh) was already closed on the day your elder brother, Yazid bin Abi Sufyan was taken prisoner and Makkah was surrendered by your father and the process of migration had ceased as soon as your paganism ceased. (The Holy Prophet (s) had said that there would be no Hegira after the victory of Makkah). Are you so anxious for a battle? Wait! You may get it to your heart’s content. I may come out myself to meet you which will be a correct gesture on my part because Allah may have destined me to punish you for your inequities. And if you take the initiative to come out to fight, then it would mean, as a poet of Bani Asad has said “They are facing those furious summer winds which shower sand, rubble and gravel-stones”. Remember that I still hold the sword which has sent your maternal grandfather, maternal uncle and your brother to the same resting-place, the Hell. By Allah, I know you too well to argue with you or to advise you. Apostasy and avariciousness have taken a firm hold of your mind, your intelligence is of inferior order and you cannot differentiate what in the end is good for you and what is not. It is correct to say about you that you have risen to such dangerous and sinful heights that your fall which is inevitable will lead to an eternal damnation because you are coveting a thing which morally does not belong to you and for which you are religiously most unsuitable and with which you have neither sincere affection nor any affinity or propensity. It had been once usurped from the right person and you now want to retain it for yourself. How great is the difference between your words and deeds? How much you resemble your maternal and paternal uncles, whose ill-luck persuaded them to deny and repudiate the Holy Prophet (s) and to fight against him and everyone of whom was at last doomed to die. You know very well that they could not protect themselves or protect the cause they were challenging to men who were energetic and brave and were present in every battlefield to defend the cause of Islam. You have also written so much about the murderers of Caliph Uthman. The correct thing for you to do is to take the oath of allegiance to me as others have done and present the case in my court of justice and then I shall pass my judgement according to the tenets of the Holy Qur’an. But what you are desiring now is a deceit usually played upon babies when they are to be checked from breast feeding. May the Peace of Allah be upon those who deserve it.

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Download: Nahjul-Balagah-Letter-64

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  •  چنانچه دیدگاه شما توهین آمیز باشد تایید نخواهد شد.
  •  چنانچه دیدگاه شما جنبه تبلیغاتی داشته باشد تایید نخواهد شد.

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