از اول
From The Beginning
از اول نمیخواست باور کنه
From the beginning, she didn’t want to believe
کسی که خیال منو برده بود
Who took over my dreams
کسی که تو خواب و تو بیداریا
Who, in dreams and awakeness,
برای نفسهای من مرده بود
Have died for my breaths
که بارون منم کویری تنت
That I‘m the rain, your body is desert-like
اگه رود باشه به من میرسه
If she is a river, she’ll reach me
اگه چشمِ(ـه) بود و نبودش منم
If I‘m the fountain of her existence
اگه رود باشه به من میرسه
If she is a river, she’ll reach me
از اول نمیخواست باور کنه
From the beginning, she didn’t want to believe
که عشقش تموم وجودش منم
That her love, all her existence is me
که تا آخرین لحظهٔ زندگی
That till the final moment of life
نفسهاش بود و نبودش منم
Her breaths, her everything is me
قبوله که هرکس خدایی داره
I accept that everybody has their own God
خدای من اما قدیمیتره
But my God is elder
خدای تو مثل خودت بیوفاست
Your God is not loyal, just like yourself
خدای من اما صمیمیتره
But my God is more friendly
خدای تو تردید و ترسه ولی
Your God is doubt and fear but
خدایی که دارم پر از باوره
The God that I have is filled with beliefs
خدایی که مثل کس دیگه نیست
A God that isn’t like any other one
مث بندههاش اول و آخره
Like his creations is the beginning and the end
از اول نمیخواست باور کنه
From the beginning, she didn’t want to believe
که عشقش تموم وجودش منم
Who took over my dreams
که تا آخرین لحظهٔ زندگی
Who, in dreams and awakeness,
نفسهاش بود و نبودش منم
Have died for my breaths
اگه اون کویره که بارونشم
If she is a dessert that I’m its rain
اگه رود دریای بیخوابشم
If I’m the river of her restless sea
اگه چشمه کوهم به جوشیدش
If [she is a] fountain, I’m a mountain for her to boil
بگو برکه باهوشه که مهتابِ(ـه) شم
Say that the pound knows that I’m its moonshine
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