بستد دل و دین از من
She took my heart and my faith
از من دل و دین بستد
My heart and my faith is what she took away from me
کافر نکند چندین
Heathens would not go so far
چندین نکند کافر
So far, is where heathens wouldn’t go to
دو رخ چو قمر دارد
She has two faces like the moon
دارد چو قمر دو رخ
Like the moon, she has two faces
عنبر ز قمر رسته
The moon has been rid of its amber
رسته ز قمر عنبر
Amber, is what the moon has been rid of
چشمش ببرد دل ها
Her eyes steal hearts away
دل ها ببرد چشمش
Hearts are stolen away by her eyes
باور نکند خلق آن
People do not believe this
خلق آن نکند باور
This is what people don’t believe
حیران شده و عاجز
She’s become powerless and perplexed
عاجز شده و حیران
She’s become perplexed and powerless
بتگر ز رخش چون بت
Idol makers are dazed by her looks
چون بت ز رخش بتگر
Her looks daze idol makers
دلبر صنمی شیرین
My seducer is a sweet idol
شیرین صنمی دلبر
You, my seducer, are a sweet idol
آذر به دلم بر زد
Fire has struck my heart
بر زد به دلم آذر
My heart has been struck by fire
عاشق شده ام بر وی
I have fallen in love with her
بر وی شده ام عاشق
She is who I’ve fallen in love with
یکسر دل من او برد
She completely stole my heart
برد او دل من یکسر
My heart has been completely stolen by her
دلبر صنمی شیرین
My seducer is a sweet idol
شیرین صنمی دلبر
You, my seducer, are a sweet idol
آذر به دلم بر زد
Fire has struck my heart
بر زد به دلم آذر
My heart has been struck by fire
عاشق شده ام بر وی
I have fallen in love with her
بر وی شده ام عاشق
She is who I’ve fallen in love with
یکسر دل من او برد
She completely stole my heart
برد او دل من یکسر
My heart has been completely stolen by her
نالم ز رخش دایم
I constantly long for her sight
دایم ز رخش نالم
Her sight is what I constantly long for
داور ندهد دادم
The justice doesn’t give me justice
دادم ندهد داور
Justice is what the justice won’t give me
مسته صنما چندین
So drunk on the idol’s beauty
چندین صنما مسته
So many beautiful idols drunk
می خور به طرب با من
Drink with me in glee
با من به طرب می خور
In glee, come drink with me
منت به سرم بر نه
Stop acting as if I owe you a favor
بر نه به سرم منت
I don’t owe you a favor, stop acting as if I do
ساغر به کفم بر نه
Put the goblet in my hand
بر نه به کفم ساغر
In my hand, is where I want you to place the goblet
رفته به سفر یارم
My beloved has embarked on a journey
یارم به سفر رفته
On a journey, is where my beloved is
ایدر چه کنم تنها؟
What shall I do here, alone
تنها چه کنم ایدر؟
Alone here, what shall I do?
دلبر صنمی شیرین
My seducer is a sweet idol
شیرین صنمی دلبر
You, my seducer, are a sweet idol
آذر به دلم بر نه
Fire has struck my heart
بر نه به دلم آذر
My heart has been struck by fire
عاشق شده ام بر وی
I have fallen in love with her
بر وی شده ام عاشق
She is who I‘ve fallen in love with
یکسر دل من او برد
She completely stole my heart
برد او دل من یکسر
My heart has been completely stolen by her
دلبر صنمی شیرین
My seducer is a sweet idol
شیرین صنمی دلبر
You, my seducer, are a sweet idol
آذر به دلم بر زد
Fire has struck my heart
بر زد به دلم آذر
My heart has been struck by fire
عاشق شده ام بر وی
I have fallen in love with her
بر وی شده ام عاشق
She is who I‘ve fallen in love with
یکسر دل من او برد
She completely stole my heart
برد او دل من یکسر
My heart has been completely stolen by her
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