خندههامو دوست داشت
She Loved My Laughter
از وقتی نیست اینجا تاریکه روزاش
Ever since she left, his (my) days are dark
یه مشت یادگاری ازش موند جاش
Just a bunch of memories from her have remained in place of her
میرم تو فکرشو میخندم بی دلیل
I think about her and laugh for no reason
یادش بخیر خنده هامو دوست داشت
How sweet were those days, she loved my laughter
یکی بگه اشتباه رفتم کجاشو
Can somebody tell me, where did I go wrong?
خودشو خواستم همیشه از خداشو
I always truly wanted her true self
کی گفته رد نمیشه دیگه از این ورا
Who said she doesn’t pass by this area anymore?
مگه میشه من که میشنوم صداشو
How can it be!? Cause I’m hearing her voice
همیشه رفتیو به جات برگشتم هی
You always left and instead of you, I was always the one to come back (to come to you and apologize)
منو نذار تو امید برگشتنت
Don’t get my hopes up in your return
بعد تو دل بریدم از همه
After you left, I cut myself off from everyone
هی نرو بیا پیرشم از رفتنت
Stop always leaving and coming back, making me lose energy from you leaving
همیشه رفتیو به جات برگشتم هی
You always left and instead of you, I was always the one to come back (to come to you and apologize)
منو نذار تو امید برگشتنت
Don’t get my hopes up in your return
بعد تو دل بریدم از همه
After you left, I cut myself off from everyone
هی نرو بیا پیرشم از رفتنت
Stop always leaving and coming back, making me lose energy from you leaving
فکر نکن تو رو توی این دلم کشتمو
Don’t think I’ve killed you in this heart of mine (erased you)
این دیوونه که صد بار بهت میگفت نرو
This insane man (me) who told you 100 times “don’t go”
بیخیال شو فراموش کردنت کار من نیست
Forget it. Forgetting you is something I can’t do
تو که خوب میشناسی منه بی عرضه رو
Look, you know me really well, me, a weak, incapable one
ببخش منو اگه دیگه مال من نیستی
Forgive me if you’re no longer mine
ببخش اگه منو یاد تو میندازه هر چیزی
Forgive me if anything reminds you of me
میدونی آرزوم شده حتی تورو از دور دیدنت
You know it’s become my dream even to see you from far away
ببخش منو اگه هیچوقت دیگه نبخشیدمت
Forgive me if I never forgave you again
همیشه رفتیو به جات برگشتم هی
You always left and instead of you, I was always the one to come back (to come to you and apologize)
منو نذار تو امید برگشتنت
Don’t get my hopes up in your return
بعد تو دل بریدم از همه
After you left, I cut myself off from everyone
هی نرو بیا پیرشم از رفتنت
Stop always leaving and coming back, making me lose energy from you leaving
همیشه رفتیو به جات برگشتم هی
You always left and instead of you, I was always the one to come back (to come to you and apologize)
منو نذار تو امید برگشتنت
Don‘t get my hopes up in your return
بعد تو دل بریدم از همه
After you left, I cut myself off from everyone
هی نرو بیا پیرشم از رفتنت
Stop always leaving and coming back, making me lose energy from you leaving
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