کدخدایی که گمان کرده خدای ده ماست (×۲)
A Chief (mayor or elder) who assumes he is the God of our village (×2)
کدخدا نیست، خدا نیست، بلای ده ماست (×۲)
Is not a Chief, is not a God, is the curse of our village (×2)
روزگاریست به گوش همه خواند که خدا… (×۲)
For times, he tells everybody that God… (×2)
خانهاش در ده ما نیست، جدای ده ماست (×۲)
resides not in our village, he is away from our village (×2)
بینوا، بیخبر از حال و هوای ده ماست (×۲)
Oh miserable, doesn’t know what is the state and climate of our village (×2)
کدخدا دیر زمانیست، زمانیست که دیوانه شده است (×۲)
The Chief is gone mad for a long long time (×2)
از زمانی که به دیدار خدا رفته و در خانه شده است
Since he went to visit God and he has entered the house
خانه را دیده، خدا را نه ولی؛ با همه بیگانه شده است
He has seen the house although not the God. He is alienated to everybody
غافل از آنکه خدا در همه جای ده ماست
Not realizing that God is in every corner of our village
بینوا، بیخبر از حال و هوای ده ماست (×۳)
Oh miserable, doesn‘t know what is the state and climate of our village (×3)
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