مجله علمی تفریحی بیبیس

ترجمه فارسی و انگلیسی شجاعت امام حسین علیه السلام: – بخشی از فصل پنجم کتاب نفس المهموم

بازدید 295

راویان اخبار و ثقاب با اعتبار تصریح دارند که چون مولای ما حسین علیه السلام قصد عراق کرد، عبيد الله بن زیاد پی در پی لشکرها در برابرش گسیل داشت و پلیسها برای کشتارش فراهم ساخت و سی هزار سواره و پیاده را آماده کرد که جوخه جوخه و دسته دسته دنبال هم میرفتند، چون با همه ساز و برگ گرد او را گرفتند، این اخطار را به او نمودند :

« یا بر فرمان پسر زیاد و بیعت یزید سر نهد یا آماده جنگی گردد که جگر شکافد ورگ گردن ببرد و جانها را به فراز فرستد و تنها را بر خاک سرنگون کند».

نفس بلندپروازش پیروی از نیای و باب کرد و از خواری خودداری نمود و کناره گرفت و در سربلندی و شهامت به مردم آموخت و جانبازی زیر شمشیر را بر خواری برگزید و خود و برادران و خاندانش به نبرد کشید و همه کشتن را به پیروی یزید برگزیدند و آن نابکاران پست ، گرد آنها را گرفتند و آن کافران بدکردار آنان را فرا گرفتند و تیرباران نمودند.

حسین علیه السلام چون کوه بر جای ایستاد و سستی بر او چيره نشد، قدمش در میدان شهادت از کوه برجاتر و دلش از دهشت جنگ دچار پریشانی نشد، یارانش از کسان ابن زیاد دسته دسته کشتند و جام مرگ از حمیه هاشمیه به کامشان ریختند و از دسته هاشمین شهیدی به خاک نمی افتاد تا یورش بران خود را به مرگ میکشید و میکشت

و شمشیر را تا دسته در تن آنان فرو می برد و به خاکشان میکشاند و خودش چون شیر خشمگین بود، بر هر که می تاخت شمشیر بر او می تاخت و به خاکش می انداخت و آنچه بعضی روایت کرده اند درست آمده، گوید: به خدا من هرگز گرفتاری که داغ همه فرزندان و یاران و خاندانش را دیده باشد چون حسین علیه السلام پر دل و پا برجا ندیدم؛ به خدا پیش از او و بعد از او چون او را ندیدم.

گویند: ولید بن عقبه بر سر مزرعه ای ستیزه داشت و با آن که ولید، حاکم مدینه بود عمامه او را از سرش برداشته و به گردنش بست.

در “احتجاج” از محمد بن سائب نقل کرده است که: روزی مروان بن حکم به حسین بن على علیهماالسلام گفت: اگر به فاطمه علیهاالسلام بنالید بر ما چه افتخاری دارید ؟ حسین بر جست و با مشت آهنین گلویش را فشرد و عمامه اش را بر آن تاب داد تا بیهوش شد و او را رها کرد.

من میگویم : شجاعت حسین علیه السلام ضرب المثل است و خودداری اش در پیکار، اولین و آخرین را درمانده کرده است و در مقابل این نابکاران چون جدش در بدر ایستاد و با فزونی دشمن و کمی یاوران، بردباری پدرش را در جبهه صفين و جمل اعاده کرد و عبارت زیارت ناحیه مقدسه برای تو کافی است:

«با تو آغاز نبرد کردند و در برابر نیزه و شمشیر ایستادگی کردی ولشکر نابكار را طعمه نیزه کردی وچون على مختار با ذوالفقار در گروه کفار درون شدی وپیکار را ادامه دادی وچون دیدند دلی بر جا ونترس داری دام نیرنگ برایت نهادند و به نامردی وبدی خود با تو جنگیدند و آن ملعون به لشکر خود دستور داد آب را از تو بریدند وشتابانه با تو جنگیدند وبا تیر بر تو باریدند و چنگال رباینده بر تو گشودند، نه رعایت پیمان کردند ونه در کشتار یاران وغارت آنها از گناه ترسیدند؛ تو این یورش ها را استقبال کرده و این آزارها را بر خود هموار نمودی، فرشتگان آسمان از حيرت در شگفت شدند، دشمنان گردت گرفتند وزخمهای سنگین بر تو وارد کردند وتا شب امانت ندادند، یاوری نداشتی وتنها با بردباری وخداجویی از زنان و فرزندانت دفاع میکردی تا تو را از اسبت سرنگون کردند و زخم دار بر زمین افتادی

و ستوران تو را زیر سم گرفتند وطاغیان زیر شمشیر بران تا عرق مرگ بر پیشانی ات نشست و در بستر احتضار افتادی وزیر چشم به خیمه گاه خود نگران بودی واز خاندانت به خود مشغول بودی».

His Valor

The reporters and reliable authorities specify that when Imam Husain (a.s) intended to go to Iraq, Ubaydullah bin Ziyad despatched troops one after the other towards him and also gathered the Police force to kill him. He prepared an army of thirty thousand soldiers (foot and horse-men) to follow him in groups one after the other and to surround him fully equipped from all sides. They gave him the following notice: “Either submit to the orders of the son of Ziyad and swear the oath of allegiance to Yazeed, or be ready for combat, which would split open the liver and cut the life vein, despatch the souls above, and would throw the bodies head-long unto the ground.” But the Imam, following the footsteps of his respected Grandfather and Father, refused to surrender to indignity. He set an example of self-respect and honour for the people, and accepted (noble) death below the sword. Then he himself, alongwith his brother and family members arose to defend (Islam) and accepted death instead of submitting to the tyranny of Yazeed. The wicked and vile army desisted them and the immoral infidels started shooting arrows at him. But Imam Husain (a.s) stood firm like a mountain and nothing could weaken his determination. His feet were more resolute upon the earth of Martyrdom than a mountain, while his heart was not disturbed because of the fear of battle or death. Similarly his supporters likewise faced the forces of Ubaydullah ibne Ziyad and killed and wounded many of them. And they themselves did not die until they had killed many of them, and made them taste death by the ardor of the Hashimites. And none among the Hashimites fell a martyr until they had thrown their opponents unto the ground and killed them and sunk the hilts of their swords into their bodies. Imam Husain (a.s) himself attacked the enemies like a ferocious lion and with his mighty sword threw them upon the ground. The narrator quotes a man as saying that, “By Allah! I have seen none like him, who having lost his sons, relatives and dear friends, and inspite of this, his heart being powerful and serene, and feet firm upon the ground. By Allah! I have seen none like him before or after him” It has been related that there arose a dispute for a farm between Imam Husain (a.s) and Waleed bin Uqba. And although Waleed was the governor of Madina (but was on the wrong), Imam was infuriated and removed his turban from his head and put it in his neck. In the book Ehtijaj it is related from Mohammad bin Saeb, that one day Marwan bin Hakam told Imam Husain (a.s) that, “If it were not for your esteem and honour through Hazrat Fatemah (a.s), how could you have gained excellence over us”? Imam Husain (a.s) was infuriated and caught hold of his neck with an iron fist, then he removed the turban from his head and tied it in marwan’s neck, and he fell down unconscious, then he left him. The author says that Imam Husain’s valor became a by-word while his forbearance in the battlefield had exhausted and frustrated others. His combat is similar to that of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) in the battle of Badr. While his forebearence, even after facing numerous enemies and possessing supporters less in quantity, is similar to his Father Imam Ali (a.s) in the battle of Siffeen and Jamal. Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) in Ziyarate Nahiyah says:

“And (they) initiated the attack upon you. So you too stood up (equipped with) spear and sword. And you routed the army of transgressors. And you were surrounded in the dust of the battle and (were) fighting with Zulfiqar with such ferocity as if you were Ali, the empowered one. So when the enemies saw you to be composed and calm without fear or anxiety, they began to plot and lay traps for you, and began to fight with you with cunningness and mischief. And the accursed (Umar bin Sa’ad) ordered his army to cut off the water supply (from you). And all of them unleashed their atrocities to kill you and they hastened to line up against you. They struck at you with arrows and (they) extended their futile hands towards you. They did not consider your rights, nor did they deem their putting to swords your friends as a sin, (and) they looted your belongings.

You bore the tribulations (of the battle) with firmness and forbore their troubles, such that the Angels of the Heavens were astounded at your patience. Then the enemies surrounded you from all sides and inflicted you with wounds. And they partitioned themselves between you and your family, there remained no helper for you. You deflected them with persistence and patience away from your women and children. Until they forced you down from your horseback, and you descended to the earth, wounded. The horses were trampling you with their hooves. The atrocious army fell upon you with their swords. The perspiration of death appeared on your forehead and your hands and feet folded and unfolded to the right and the left (with uneasiness). You were beholding with fear your belongings and your Household. When in such a situation you might not have thought of your children and family due to personal pain.”

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